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Macos Logs For Splunk Training


This article is intended to assist users who are familiar with Splunk to learn the Kusto query language to write log queries in Azure Monitor. Direct comparisons are made between the two to understand key differences and also similarities where you can leverage your existing knowledge.

Structure and concepts

The following table compares concepts and data structures between Splunk and Azure Monitor logs.

The purpose of this add-on is to add additional value and sorting to cmdReporter's macOS security, audit, and operational logs. This is done by making the logs CIM compliant, adding tagging for Enterprise Security data models, and other knowledge objects to make searching and visualizing this data easy. This course teaches you how to search and navigate in Splunk, use fields, get statistics from your data, create reports, dashboards, lookups, and alerts. Scenario-based examples and hands-on challenges will enable you to create robust searches, reports, and charts. It will also introduce you to Splunk's datasets features and Pivot interface. Jan 03, 2020  Splunk is a search engine for collecting and analyzing all sorts of 'machine data', including log data and metrics for SQL Server. SQL Monitor gives you the detailed diagnostic view of all your SQL Server instances, and databases. If you have Splunk to monitor your applications and server infrastructure, and SQL Monitor to help you understand the behavior of a complex database system.

ConceptSplunkAzure MonitorComment
Deployment unitclusterclusterAzure Monitor allows arbitrary cross cluster queries. Splunk does not.
Data cachesbucketsCaching and retention policiesControls the period and caching level for the data. This setting directly impacts the performance of queries and cost of the deployment.
Logical partition of dataindexdatabaseAllows logical separation of the data. Both implementations allow unions and joining across these partitions.
Structured event metadataN/AtableSplunk does not have the concept exposed to the search language of event metadata. Azure Monitor logs has the concept of a table, which has columns. Each event instance is mapped to a row.
Data recordeventrowTerminology change only.
Data record attributefieldcolumnIn Azure Monitor, this is predefined as part of the table structure. In Splunk, each event has its own set of fields.
TypesdatatypedatatypeAzure Monitor datatypes are more explicit as they are set on the columns. Both have the ability to work dynamically with data types and roughly equivalent set of datatypes including JSON support.
Query and searchsearchqueryConcepts are essentially the same between both Azure Monitor and Splunk.
Event ingestion timeSystem Timeingestion_time()In Splunk, each event gets a system timestamp of the time that the event was indexed. In Azure Monitor, you can define a policy called ingestion_time that exposes a system column that can be referenced through the ingestion_time() function.


The following table specifies functions in Azure Monitor that are equivalent to Splunk functions.

SplunkAzure MonitorComment
Also note that while replace() takes three parameters in both products, the parameters are different.
Also note that Splunk uses one-based indices. Azure Monitor notes zero-based indices.
matchmatches regex(2)
regexmatches regexIn Splunk, regex is an operator. In Azure Monitor, it's a relational operator.
searchmatchIn Splunk, searchmatch allows searching for the exact string.
Splunk's function returns a number from zero to 231-1. Azure Monitor' returns a number between 0.0 and 1.0, or if a parameter provided, between 0 and n-1.
In Azure Monitor, Splunk's equivalent of relative_time(datetimeVal, offsetVal) is datetimeVal + totimespan(offsetVal).
For example, search | eval n=relative_time(now(), '-1d@d') becomes .. | extend myTime = now() - totimespan('1d').

(1) In Splunk, the function is invoked with the eval operator. In Azure Monitor, it is used as part of extend or project.
(2) In Splunk, the function is invoked with the eval operator. In Azure Monitor, it can be used with the where operator.

Macos Logs For Splunk Training


The following sections give examples of using different operators between Splunk and Azure Monitor.


For the purpose of the following example, the Splunk field rule maps to a table in Azure Monitor, and Splunk's default timestamp maps to the Logs Analytics ingestion_time() column.


In Splunk, you can omit the search keyword and specify an unquoted string. In Azure Monitor you must start each query with find, an unquoted string is a column name, and the lookup value must be a quoted string.

Splunksearchsearch Session.Id='c8894ffd-e684-43c9-9125-42adc25cd3fc' earliest=-24h
Azure Monitorfindfind Session.Id'c8894ffd-e684-43c9-9125-42adc25cd3fc' and ingestion_time()> ago(24h)


Azure Monitor log queries start from a tabular result set where the filter. In Splunk, filtering is the default operation on the current index. You can also use where operator in Splunk, but it is not recommended.

SplunksearchEvent.Rule='330009.2' Session.Id='c8894ffd-e684-43c9-9125-42adc25cd3fc' _indextime>-24h
Azure MonitorwhereOffice_Hub_OHubBGTaskError
| where Session_Id 'c8894ffd-e684-43c9-9125-42adc25cd3fc' and ingestion_time() > ago(24h)

Getting n events/rows for inspection

Azure Monitor log queries also support take as an alias to limit. In Splunk, if the results are ordered, head will return the first n results. In Azure Monitor, limit is not ordered but returns the first n rows that are found.

| head 100
Azure MonitorlimitOffice_Hub_OHubBGTaskError
| limit 100

Getting the first n events/rows ordered by a field/column

For bottom results, in Splunk you use tail. In Azure Monitor you can specify the ordering direction with asc.

| sort Event.Sequence
| head 20
Azure MonitortopOffice_Hub_OHubBGTaskError
| top 20 by Event_Sequence

Extending the result set with new fields/columns

Splunk also has an eval function, which is not to be comparable with the eval operator. Both the eval operator in Splunk and the extend operator in Azure Monitor only support scalar functions and arithmetic operators.

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| eval state= if(Data.Exception = '0', 'success', 'error')
Azure MonitorextendOffice_Hub_OHubBGTaskError
| extend state = iif(Data_Exception 0,'success' ,'error')


Azure Monitor uses the project-rename operator to rename a field. project-rename allows the query to take advantage of any indexes pre-built for a field. Splunk has a rename operator to do the same.

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| rename Date.Exception as execption
Azure Monitorproject-renameOffice_Hub_OHubBGTaskError
| project-rename exception = Date_Exception

Format results/Projection


Splunk does not seem to have an operator similar to project-away. You can use the UI to filter away fields.

| table rule, state
Azure Monitorproject
| project exception, state


See the Aggregations in Azure Monitor log queries for the different aggregation functions.

Splunkstatssearch (Rule=120502.*)
| stats count by OSEnv, Audience
Azure MonitorsummarizeOffice_Hub_OHubBGTaskError
| summarize count() by App_Platform, Release_Audience


Join in Splunk has significant limitations. The subquery has a limit of 10000 results (set in the deployment configuration file), and there a limited number of join flavors.

SplunkjoinEvent.Rule=120103* | stats by Client.Id, Data.Alias | join Client.Id max=0 [search earliest=-24h Event.Rule='150310.0' Data.Hresult=-2147221040]
Azure Monitorjoincluster('OAriaPPT').database('Office PowerPoint').Office_PowerPoint_PPT_Exceptions
| where Data_Hresult -2147221040
| join kind = inner (Office_System_SystemHealthMetadata
| summarize by Client_Id, Data_Alias)on Client_Id


In Splunk, to sort in ascending order you must use the reverse operator. Azure Monitor also supports defining where to put nulls, at the beginning or at the end.

| sort Data.Hresult
| reverse
Azure Monitororder byOffice_Hub_OHubBGTaskError
| order by Data_Hresult, desc

Multivalue expand

This is a similar operator in both Splunk and Azure Monitor.

Splunkmvexpandmvexpand foo
Azure Monitormvexpandmvexpand foo

Results facets, interesting fields

In Log Analytics in the Azure portal, only the first column is exposed. All columns are available through the API.

| fields App.Version, App.Platform
Azure MonitorfacetsOffice_Excel_BI_PivotTableCreate
| facet by App_Branch, App_Version

Splunk Log Management


You can use summarize arg_min() instead to reverse the order of which record gets chosen.

| dedup device_id sortby -batterylife
Azure Monitorsummarize arg_max()Office_Excel_BI_PivotTableCreate
| summarize arg_max(batterylife, *) by device_id

Next steps

Splunk Training Free

  • Go through a lesson on the writing log queries in Azure Monitor.